For many years we worked together,
His face was weathered, his hands like leather.
The good old days I remember well.
We worked most days of the week,
Most times silent, no need to speak.
That weathered look and I could always tell
The thoughts inside that wise old head,
With years of practice, easily read.
Clear and true as any old church bell.
Though words we didn’t say,
We found our joy in each other every day.
It still feels the same today,
Even though, daddy, you are gone so far away.

Later on, stalked by death,
About to finish his long and weary quest.
The devil stole his voice, his baritone.
But old Satan did not own his soul,
And those thoughts I read were fiery gold.
His love for me, it was always shown.
I looked into his one good eye,
He took my hand and breathed a sigh.
In the silence of the moment, love was shown.
Though words we didn’t say,
We found our joy in each other every day.
It still feels the same today,
Even though, daddy, you are gone so far away.

Though I miss him each and every day,
He’s in my heart and there to stay.
And every morning when I pray,
I ask God to tell him, I miss him, love him and I’ll see
him soon, one fine day.

I’ve another Father who made my frame,
Saved my soul, broke my chains.
He Loves me so; I don’t know why.
We work together every day,
Every morning to Him, I pray.
His Begotten Son for me He did die.
We may pass the day with few words to say,
In silence His presence makes joy all day.
And His Love needs not a word to draw me nigh.
Though words we don’t always say,
I find joy in His presence every day.
Todays’ better than yesterday,
And I don’t need a word to always pray.


Before a word is on my tongue,
You, LORD, know it completely.

Psalms 139:4

He who forms the mountain
who creates the wind,
and who reveals his thoughts to mankind…

Amos 4:13

A note about, “Heart to Heart Talk”: I’ve read stories of near-death encounters where people met Jesus in Person and had a conversation with Him without uttering a word. He certainly knows our thoughts (and motives!) better than we do. He speaks to us with His Word and Spirit even now, but our sin and hard-headiness makes us somewhat deaf to Him. But when we become like Him (I John 3:2) we will hear Him loud and clear (I Corinthians 13:12). My earthly father taught me about God in word and deed while he was here on earth and now his memory silently does the same. I am greatly blessed. May my life continue to do the same after I go home also.

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