The world holds no hope,
It is a dead-end street.
It’s really hard to cope,
When death we all will meet.
The grave swallows all
We are and what we know.
The reaper he does call,
And every soul must go.
But God’s Word has a plan,
That rescues us from death.
He came to earth as man,
And died for us to bless.
Bless us with Salvation,
And free us from our sin.
What a consolation,
That God is such a friend.
Here within your hand,
This awesome Book you hold.
Gives hope a place to stand,
And peace to weary souls.


My soul faints with longing for your salvation,
but I have put my hope in your word.

Psalm 119:81

A note about “Hope in the Word”: I’ve been involved in a jail ministry for a number of years and I give Bibles to inmates who come to Bible Study, but have no Bible. I always try to write a short poem on a blank page inside to make it more personal. If I know they have a particular need I try to tailor the poem to fit. I was visiting a church one Sunday and when we stood to sing, I noticed a Bible on the pew in front of me looked like one I gave away. At the end of the service the owner of the Bible turned around and sure enough, it was a former inmate. With the exception of prayer, there’s probably nothing better you can give another human!

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