Hiding behind the robe of the One who died for me
Pretending to be someone whom you may never be.
You pay no mind to the Word He spoke,
His precious blood is but a joke.
I would not want to fill you shoes,
The day you die, you’ll more than lose.
A life of lies, a body of sin,
Your pretense increases your hellish end.
Oh, what a day of agony when you stand before God’s throne
Naked without sheep’s clothing, you’ll stand there all alone,
All things hid now in darkness will be revealed in His great Light,
All the lies and deception that is now concealed from sight.
Pretending is for children, when playing children’s games,
But abominable is pretending to love God’s Holy Name.
An angel of light is how Satan, the accuser he appears,
No less should we expect from his earthly peers.
Now talk is cheap and words roll on like a river without end,
But soon we’ll see the fruit of the tree whose rooted deep in sin,
You might fool all the people; you may even fool yourself,
Though God’s Holy Word’s not in your heart, it may be on your shelf.
But you cannot fool the One who knows every heart and every mind,
For He’ll bring forth our deep dark secrets in His own good, sweet time.
So best you drop that phony façade and confess the evil within,
There is no other way to be cleansed from all our dirty sin.
As Judas was a great pretender, so you are also one,
A traitor and an enemy of God’s most precious Son,
The Pharisees and Sadducees both claimed to love our God,
But now in greatest torment God’s wrath spares not His rod.
With humility comes honor and pride brings forth great shame,
So do not hide your dirty self behind His awesome Name,
Confess your sin to Him and men and don’t put on false airs,
For the motives of men with all our sin will one day be laid bare.
May God soon open up your eyes to His sweet Love and His grace,
And you receive forgiveness and His wrath not have to face.
There comes a day when His true children will be revealed and known,
And woe to those who really aren’t when they stand before His throne.
And on that day all hypocrites won’t have a place to hide,
Their whitewashed goodness peels away and reveals the devil inside.
So, if you wear a holy mask that veils a heart of sin,
Clean yourself in the blood of Christ and your new life will begin.


In the same way,
on the outside you appear to people as righteous
but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.

Matthew 23:28

A note about “Imposter”: Written about the same person that Pen-Pal was written about. He sure had me fooled. Although his letters were quite pious and Godly sounding, in person he was none of the above. By the grace of God, I came through this unscathed, but it could have been much worse. However, I do not harbor any hard feelings for this man but, only genuine pity. What I did for him was under the assumption that he was a friend of Jesus and my reward is waiting. But if he does not repent, he will one day face the Almighty God as judge with nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. No horror on earth could ever equal or come close to such a terrible place.

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