Blood of Jesus Holy Divine,
Represented by this fruit of vine.
His Body, Manna from heaven sent,
An image of is, this bread we rent.
As He commanded we partake,
Till His return, until that date.
As we remember His painful death,
Our faith in Him we do confess.
But as we glory this Fruit of His Heart,
We examine our own, the deepest part.
Do we hold sin now unconfessed?
Do we curse our neighbor, or do we bless?
Do we hold grudge and not forgive?
Is His remembrance how we live?
Do we love others like He Loved us?
Is His sweet Blood what we trust?
For all who partake of bread and cup,
Should look inside and also up.
Holy is as Holy does,
Do we strive for Holy as He was?
To think He gave His Life for me,
By whip and scorn on cursed tree.
It brings my heart to humble state,
And His Name makes far more than great.
With mortal hands and lips that tremble,
By His Name so grand we consume this symbol
Of God’s Love poured out for me a sinner,
I was a loser, but now I’m greatest winner.
By all His work, yet none was mine,
I celebrate with fruit of vine.
And of this bread made lacking yeast,
It’s but a morsel, but what a feast.
As oft as you do it, remember Christ,
By His Blood and body, we’re given life.
Yes, every food points to His death,
For all plants had life, all creatures’ breath.
They had to die for us to live,
They gave their life as Christ did give.
So, when we share this cup and bread,
May Holiness claim your heart and head.
Whenever you do this remember Jesus sweet,
Whether Passover, Communion or whenever you eat!


For whenever you eat this bread
and drink this cup,
you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

I Corinthians 11:26

A note about “In Remembrance of He”: The Apostle Paul warned against partaking in the Lords supper in an unworthy manner. Therefore, as we remember His death it is the benchmark to see how we are living our lives. We cannot measure up to Jesus, but that fact should not stop us from coming as close as we can on a daily basis. Think of Jesus, examining our heart; this is certainly an act of the highest order, and it is good to do when gathered with other believers, but I myself do it every meal. Every food we eat with the exception of salt was once a living organism and is a sign pointing to Christ in the fact that it has to die for us to live. Whenever we eat, it should be received with thankfulness and treated as a Holy representative of Christ body. Not to be wasted (John 6:12). In every Gospel the story of feeding the five thousand all the leftovers were gathered up.

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