Rushing here, racing there, doing this and that,
I’ve a hundred things to do; I wear a bunch of hats.
Making a living, living for my Maker, running to and fro,
Just the time I feel caught up, my schedule seems to grow.
Always tired, I feel worn thin, there’s never enough sleep,
Sometimes I find the hill I climb is getting mighty steep,
But when I pray, I hear Him say, “Come rest here at my feet,
Hear my Word, and rest assured you’ll find comfort in that seat.
There’s a time for running, a time to serve, to everything a season,
But the time we spend together is your purpose and your reason.”

The reason for my existence,
Oft times I fight with great resistance.
To love Him with all my heart,
He Loved me before my start.
Fellowship with Him,
Whose blood washed me from my sin.
My heart and hands were made to raise,
To my Loving God, to Him I praise.
Life is more than doing, don’t forget the seventh day,
But every seventh second our hearts should stop to pray.
Don’t forget the One, who Loves you when serving Him in faith,
For you may find His service in your heart has Him replaced.
Be very still and quiet now and know that He’s the Lord,
And when in faith you see His Love and grace, you’ll find a great reward.
And when you pray, you’ll hear Him say, “Come rest here at my feet,
Hear my Word and rest assured you’ll find comfort in that seat.
There’s a time for running, a time to serve, to everything a season,
But the time we spend together is your purpose and your reason.
You fret and worry over many things, but only one thing do you need,
This bond of love that we share for this no less did I bleed.
No one can ever take it, this time we spend together,
And if you choose to take the time you could not choose much better,”

I sit now at His feet,
His word is utmost sweet.
My heart does yearn,
From Him to learn,
And there I’m made complete,


“Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered,
“you are worried and upset about many things,
but few things are needed—or indeed only one.
Mary has chosen what is better,
and it will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:41-42

A note about “Martha, Martha”: Luke 10:38-42 set to rhyme. What could be more important than having Jesus Himself over for dinner? Without this story we would think this would be the ultimate honor, but Jesus told Martha, (and also us) that our relationship with Him is of greater importance than our service. If a small child was excited to help his dad work on the car he would need to calm down and listen careful to instructions before taking something off that didn’t need to be removed. Above all we should never let service outrank a relationship where we offer love to Him who loved us. (See I Corinthians 13:3) “you do not delight in sacrifice or I would bring it, you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings, The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, Oh God you will not despise. “ Psalm 51:16-17

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