The Smallest Flame (can set the world on fire)

If faith is the candle, then love is the flame,
Ours has been lit by the King with God’s name.
He loved us without borders, in spite of our sin,
More than parents, more than our friends.
He suffered and bled in awesome pain and with dread,
He took our due punishment, His Holy blood shed.
He did it for the world, for me, and for you,
And what we do for others, proves we think it’s true.
Do we dare believe that God’s only Son,
Would step down from glory and for our soul come?
What we do for others, can’t compare to His Love,
So we must receive power that comes from above.
The power to love those who hate us with spite,
To love them like He did, He gave up all rights.
His flame lights our candle, and we also should share,
To light each other’s candles, and show others we care.
In knowing what He’s done for us, how can we refuse
To love brother or sister, we have no excuse.
If we would be like Him in every way,
We’ve to learn to love all men, and for them to pray.
They tortured and murdered Him as He prayed “Father forgive,
For they know not what they do,” these words we should live.
There’s no greater love than that which gives all,
And that’s exactly what Jesus did and to us He has called.
To hold nothing back, earthly treasure, nor life,
And our flame will burn beautiful eternal with Christ.


The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Galatians 5:6

A note about “The Smallest Flame”: Anything written directly about the Love of God can’t be beat! To think that something so wonderful can be shared from God to man and then from man to man is so awesome. Makes the discovery of fire to be so ho-hum.

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