Flower Power

Dogwood tree with beautiful flower,
living reminder of God’s great power.
Four white petals in the shape of a cross,
where our Lord was hung to save the lost.
White is the symbol of purity,
without sin He saved us for eternity.
Its tips are tinged in shades of red,
in same places where our Savior bled.
The bottom where the nails pierced His heel,
the top where thorns His head did feel.
From side to side His hands were nailed,
the center His side which was impaled.
A living testament of God’s great Love,
who descended on down from heaven above.
A tree not grand but rather small,
it never gets too big or tall.
Its size prevents it from being used,
to hang a man’s body, battered and bruised.
But every year in time of spring,
it bursts in blooms and birds do sing.
Of God’s awesome Love for sinful man,
though mind can’t imagine, hearts understand.
So when you see this humble tree,
remember God’s Love for you, for me!


Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
Song of Solomon 2:12

A note about “Flower Power”: So many things in nature remind us of God’s Love. I was taught this when I was a wee lad and hope it will remain in the hearts and minds of young people everywhere.

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