Salt gives flavor to food that is so rather bland,
As Christ gives greatest substance for empty heart of man.
A preservative of highest order it wards off all decay,
It heals a wound most speedily, sometimes in just a day.
Salt is in the water that covers most of earth,
And though we cannot drink it, we can’t deny its worth.
Though salt inside an open wound doesn’t feel too good,
We should offer healing to those we know we should.
Is your salt salty; does your light shine bright?
Is your faith faulty, does your daytime seem as night?
Does your life have the flavor of Jesus Christ our Savior?
Does His Light shine through so bright in all you do?
Does your light pierce through the dark of midnight sky,
With the brilliance of a lighthouse or like a firefly?
Jesus is the greatest light for He outshines the sun,
The more His Light shines within us, the more from us it comes.
Do you hold His Word so tight a light unto your path,
Or stumble in the darkness down the road to His great wrath?
Translucent is your very soul, what’s in will sure shine out,
Unless of course you draw the shades of ego and of doubt.
Is your salt salty; does your light shine bright?
Is your faith faulty, does your daytime seem as night?
Does your life have the flavor of Jesus Christ our Savior?
Does His Light shine through so bright in all you do?
A city on a hill its light you cannot hide,
Its light you see within is from the life inside.
Who would light a lamp and hide it neath a bowl,
The Light of Christ within our hearts illuminates lost souls.
When salt does lose its saltiness, it’s thrown out in the street,
Good for nothing anymore but to be trampled with folks’ feet.
Foods that lack a dash of salt, like flowers in the night,
Don’t have the fullest flavor or the glory of full light.
Is your salt salty; does your light shine bright?
Is your faith faulty, does your daytime seem as night?
Does your life have the flavor of Jesus Christ our Savior?
Does His Light shine through so bright in all you do?


“You are the salt of the earth.
But if the salt loses its saltiness,
how can it be made salty again?
It is no longer good for anything,
except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
You are the light of the world.
A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.”

Matthew 5:13-14

A note about “Of Healing and Revealing”: The analogy of light in our spiritual lives has always been a no-brainer, but comparing us to salt had me stumped for a while. However, when one takes the time to think on it, it is also pretty obvious. Without Jesus our life has no flavor and to many we are the only Jesus they will ever see. I don’t put myself or any other Christian on par with Him, but we are His Representatives. Salt is a preservative. We may be the only thing to keep this world from total decay. Salt is a healer. I remember going to the beach as a child and after all day in the water a wound would be healed significantly in one day. If we can’t heal spiritual suffering, despair, heartache and hopelessness, then who can?

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