Incomprehensible that’s what You are,
Beyond human wonder, beyond the furthest of stars.
In a nutshell You package the mighty oak tree,
Though a prisoner is in chains, in You he remains free.
The birds greet the new day by singing your praise.
But some men never look up, from cradle to grave.
To chase the wealth of the world is man’s greatest blunder,
But the very hairs of our head You count and You number.
Although men they are blind till they see with open heart,
When they lend ear to the silence, Your wisdom imparts.
You declare the humble as great and the mighty are brought down,
And the greatest of all wore sharp thorns for a crown.
The first shall be last and the last shall be first,
What You call a blessing, we call a curse.
Death gives birth to life so sublime,
Sweeter and longer than the earthly kind.
Sticks and stones can break our bones, but words can mend and heal.
And we can stand as tall as trees when in Jesus’ name we kneel.
Though we gain not this passing world, but give to Christ our very soul,
Then in the midst of toil and strife great peace and joy they shall unfold.
True riches come forth from poverty for it makes us look above,
In greatest pain, scorn and shame was born the greatest Love.
So, if you choose to win, not lose, then surrender all you own,
For the Servant of men who died for their sin, now sits upon His throne.
From which He rules a Kingdom, that lasts for evermore,
As we trade this flash of time called now to enter through His door.
The ways of man are not like God’s, but one day ours shall be,
The day we see Christ the King and we shall be as He.
What a day, I cannot wait to join Him in His glory,
But till then I won’t hesitate to praise and sing His story.


For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom,
and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise;
God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.
God chose the lowly things of this world
and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are.

I Corinthians 1:25, 27-28

A note about “Oxymoron”: It seems odd at first to read God’s Word and to see that in so many ways it is in stark contrast to the world’s (or perhaps human) reason and logic. But when you think about it, human logic is based on the physical world and God’s wisdom (which is truth) is all about the spiritual side. The spiritual cannot fit into the physical no more than the physical fits completely in the spiritual. In some ways the physical and spiritual go hand in hand until the human factor (with its free will and sin) come into the picture. Also, with the devil sitting as “ruler” of this dark world ((Ephesians 6:12) it makes perfect sense that worldly wisdom is opposite of God’s truth. All the more reason to absorb His word every chance we get to pray without ceasing and fix our eyes on Jesus.

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