The world ain’t what it used to be cause it’s gotten even worse,
In this end of age knowledge has increased, but sin remains our rotten curse.
What was once quite wrong now is right to be politically correct,
This convoluted thinking our children’s minds it does infect.
The churches welcome to their ranks those living deep in sin,
Speak nothing of immorality for fear it might offend.
Freedom of speech is fine and dandy when it comes to defiling God’s Name,
But don’t dare speak of another’s sexual preference, do not expose their shame.
A man who kills an animal might do five years in the pen,
Another who kills an unborn child sees no time for this sin.
And lay no hand upon your child or you may go to jail,
But when your child goes completely wild, they’ll say, “that parent failed.”
Our presidential birthdays were made a holiday,
But don’t whisper, “Merry Christmas” careful what you say.
Our leaders are corrupt for they do not fear the Lord,
And as we all live by, shall not we all die by the sword?
Men may marry men and women do the same,
Their rights to their depravity outweigh their Godless shame.
Who will shine a light upon all this evil on this earth?
Is there anything around of true value and great worth?
The devil masquerades as an angel now my friend,
Good is bad and bad is good is what he would pretend.
Our conscience has been tossed aside like a burden from the past,
And love for God and others is vanishing oh so fast.
Demons we no longer fear for they’ve become our teachers,
Deceiving spirits are everywhere infecting even preachers.
Be a man and take a stand for God and Jesus Christ,
May words of His be how you live within your earthly life.
All these things He predicted two thousand years ago,
For all of us within this time, His truth can surely know.
You will be afflicted, attacked from every side,
But lift your eyes unto the hills for from Him you need not hide.
Yet all who dare forsake His Name to follow rules of sin,
Will look with fear upon the Lamb the Savior of all men.
He came to save the worst of the worst and this I’ll testify,
But we must trust in His great Love some day before we die.
Politically correct is all about exactly who you serve,
And every man will get from God exactly what they deserve,
Except the one washed in the Blood of our Savior Jesus Christ.
This Law of Love I’ll live by though it may cost me my life.


The Spirit clearly says that in later times
some will abandon the faith
and follow deceiving spirits
and things taught by demons.

I Timothy 4:1

A note about “Politically Inept”: The short time I’ve resided on this earth I’ve seen a huge change in people’s morals and society’s (as a whole) indifference to God. Good is bad and bad is good and it seems to be based on this worldly thinking that everything is okay except your opinion against the viewpoint that everything is okay. All rules don’t apply to everybody. Money influences the judicial system, murder is wrong against animals, but not against humans while they are in the fetus stage. Satan is god of this world and he is still using the same line today as he did many years ago in the Garden of Eden, “Did God say?”

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