Real Love isn’t found in the natural man,
It’s more than he can handle more than he can stand.
More than a momma loves her little baby,
More than a groom loves his special lady.
In kindness it speaks it turns the other cheek,
Through pain it smiles, it goes the extra mile.
It comes from above and reaches down low,
God is Love and from Him overflows,
Like a fountain of forgiveness though we caused Him so much pain,
His Love covers all my evil and my greatest shame.

Real Love can be found in the heart that’s born again,
Poured overflowing from Whom it did begin.
Better than life, stronger than death,
It’s found in Christ, as He gave His final breath.
For me, for you, for every kind of sinner,
Love takes a loser and makes them a great winner.
It comes from above and reaches down low,
God is Love and from Him overflows,
Like a fountain of forgiveness though we caused Him so much pain,
His Love covers all my evil and my greatest shame.

Real Loves hates all evil, it cherishes all good,
No matter what foe it faces it does just like it should.
It suffers persecution, look at Jesus Christ our Lord,
You may think of flowers and hearts, but I think fire and sword.

Real Love is shown in Jesus the Creator of us all,
Who did not shun the torture or reject the reaper’s call.
He prayed for those who spit on Him, His Love for them was true.
When people treat you badly, do you pray for them too?
“Father please forgive them,” He said this from His Heart,
His Love cost Him all He had, not just the largest part.
It comes from above and reaches down low,
God is Love and from Him overflows,
Like a fountain of forgiveness though we caused Him so much pain,
His Love covers all my evil and my greatest shame.


And hope does not put us to shame,
because God’s love has been poured out into our love for us in this:
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

Romans 5:5, 8

A note about “Real Love”: Human love is tainted at best. What we love is what gives us pleasure, physical, emotional or even spiritual. But real Love (God’s Love) is absent of “what’s in it for me.” It is all about the other person. When you do something that costs you, in secret, for someone that cannot possibly pay you back and don’t forget to top it off by making it a person who did, will, or might harm you and you are getting close to the real deal. This is not a trait held by once born humans, as Jesus said, “You must be born again.”

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