Who now is faithful, could it be you?
Do you always do what you know you should do?
Could it be your dog, yes, man’s best friend?
Can people rely on you like you do on him?
Is it your watch, your trusty time piece?
Can a lesson in faithfulness unto you teach?
How bout your mailman who delivers each day?
Are you as consistent when it’s time to pray?
The sun and the moon always on time,
Though dark clouds may linger, they’re faithful to shine.
The orbit of earth in its race round the sun,
A year to the second, to where it had begun.
The wild goose flies south, the great bear does sleep,
Faithful to schedule, all nature keeps.
Is all this by chance, or does God run the show?
Is the Most High, the most Faithful we know?
Faithful is His Name, Faithful is His creed,
Faithfully He gives us all, our every need.
Faithful in His mercy, Faithful in His grace,
In every single circumstance for those who seek His face.
Faithful with His promises, Faithful in His Love,
Faithfully His plan unfolds in everything He does.
Faithful to the good folks, Faithful to the bad,
Faithfully He Loves us though we often make Him sad.
So how about your faithfulness to Him who Loves you so?
Is it just like you expect from Him, please tell me yes or no?
We count on Him most every day without giving second thought,
Cause His Faithfulness is always free, it never can be bought.
But do we also freely give our faithfulness, our due?
Or do we try to barter with Him; He knows just what is true.
The motive for our faithfulness should be our love for Christ,
And faithfulness born of love is how we should live our life.
Always faithful, always true, our God is there for me, for you.
But are you there for Him my friend, are you faithful, are you true?


Yet there is one ray of hope:
his compassion never ends.
It is only the Lord’s mercies
that have kept us from complete destruction.
Great is his faithfulness;
his loving-kindness begins afresh each day.

Lamentation 3:21-23 Living Bible

A note about “Semper Fi”: We take God’s faithfulness for granted. Ever since we were born the sun rises every day and He takes care of us. Until that rhythm is interrupted, we look at all His grace and mercy as a given. But we really should increase our thanks and praise as we contemplate His steadfastness. As we do this it should cause us to consider our faithfulness to Him. Sometimes we stray for only a short time, but we think that it being only a short excursion that it’s “not that bad.” If you found out your spouse cheated on you for only fifteen minutes would that be, “not that bad?”

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