In days of old the prophets told the people of their sin,
And now these days I also say the same thing with my pen.
But no one hears, there are no tears of shame and great remorse,
Though God sees all, He gently calls, our love He does not force.
Idols abound, they’re all around, in God we do not trust,
We claim His Name, but to our shame we look to things that rust.
I also too, was not true to God in heaven above,
I sought for worth in things of earth, rejecting His sweet Love.
Our children need that we take heed, their future’s in our walk,
That we should do what God says to and not just merely talk.
The futures dim from all our sin, the present’s not much better,
You’d well to start, take this to heart, the contents of this letter.
The Israelites they lost their sight of God and all His ways,
They never learned unto God turn, till their cities were ablaze.
And now His Word, rest assured is calling us to change,
But for so long, there’s no right or wrong, the whole concept’s kinda strange.
But God’s unmoved; His Word is proved right from start to very end,
His grace is great, but He won’t be late to chastise the world for sin.
Our hands are tied, nowhere to hide from the Day of His great wrath,
It came about from hate and doubt as men walk a hell bound path.
The earth will shake, the mountains quake as the stars fall from the sky,
The fires blaze, the cities razed as great multitudes will die.
And it will seem much like a dream till it’s right there in your yard,
Then the terror we see in our mirror breaks into many shards.
But still most men refuse to bend their knees to Him on high,
They’d rather go and never know His Love before they die.
But you, dear brother, you can find cover in the shadow of His Wing,
Yes, from His throne He knows His own and His children He will bring
Into His city of light there’s no more night, for He shall be our Day.
So, to Him turn and of Him learn and to Jesus do now pray.
“Forgive me God this soul in sod; I’ve spent my days in sin,
Please cast them out, remove all doubt, my heart invites you in.
Your Blood does save me from the grave; I give my all to you,
I’m on my knees for you to please my life of sin is through.”
Oh, that all men would turn to Him, He died for everyone,
But only those who wisely chose God’s Holy precious Son
Will ever be truly free and have eternal hope.
The rest of them, who die in their sin slide down a slippery slope,
That leads to hell I’m here to tell that Christ He died for you,
Now far and near may all souls hear, God Loves all and even you.


See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath,
a driving wind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.
The fierce anger of the LORD will not turn back
until he fully accomplishes the purposes of his heart.
In days to come you will understand this.

Jeremiah 30:23-24a

A note about, “Severe Storm Warning”: The Book of Jeremiah has been my morning read. It’s very frightening being that it could very well be spoken of this generation as Jeremiah’s day. Would God call for the destruction of the Nation of Israel around 600 B.C. and then let us get away untouched now when we are equally guilty (if not more) right now? Add to that the fact that the daily news is revealing the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Book of Revelation every day. If you haven’t made your peace with God through the blood of Jesus, the consequences of putting it off could have eternal ramifications. Tomorrow is not guaranteed.

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