Lonely is the vagabond heart that walks the crowded street,
Encased inside the multitude it yearns a friend to meet.
Someone who will love us, love us heart and soul,
Who would not love or forsake us for the brevity of gold.
Who’d stand by us in thick and thin,
Who’d forgive us for our every sin.
Who’d share our burden, our heavy load,
On uphill climb up life’s weary road.
But loneliness will bury us, and no one knows our heart,
Oh, to see the light of someone to free us from this dark.
A miner for a heart of gold, my pick has worn to stub,
And though my heart may be a wheel, there’s no peace within its hub.
People come and people go, a never-ending chain,
They make me smile for just awhile, but their pain it will remain.
Somewhere over that rainbow is a friend that’s meant to be,
But how ironic, sad not comic, I hope they’re not like me.
For I am very distant of the very soul I seek.
And though I long for one who’s strong, indeed I am so weak.
Loyalty a quality, in a friend it is a must,
But when it comes to my very self, I know better than to trust.
Who would love my soul in its broken-down condition?
I seek to find what I am not, oh what a contradiction.
Oh, help me please dear Jesus, yes, help me find a friend,
You were there at my beginning; You’ll be there at my end.
Who else can I ever trust, but You and You alone,
For every day and every night, You hear me when I groan.
You never turn Your back on me, even when I cause You pain,
And though my life’s a desert at times, Your Love is like the rain.
You Love me when I’m right, Love me when I’m wrong,
No matter where life may take me, when you’re there, I belong.
And now just when I think about it, I’m really quite amazed.
You are the greatest Friend of all, may Your Name now be praised.
For I am only lonely when I take my eyes off You,
And as old Peter slipped neath the waves I slipped beneath them too.
I fix my eyes upon You and put my heart inside Your hands,
The greatest friend who Loves without end, Jesus at last I understand.
What a shame, it took so long to treat You like a friend,
Forgive me for ignoring You, oh what an awful sin.
My whole life I’ve spent lonely, looking for friend true,
You laid Your life down for me, there’s no greater friend than You!


One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin,
but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.

Proverbs 18:24

Greater love has no one than this:
to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.

John 15:13

A note about Solitary Refinement”: When it gets close to time for a Bible Study lesson or sermon (although I don’t actually preach, I simply write something then read it) I pray for God’s message and ask Him to reveal it to me. Sometimes it’s days in advance sometimes just before bed the night before. But when He gives it there’s usually no doubt that it’s exactly what He wants. The bathtub is my favorite reading spot (not the Bible though, I’ve dozed off and baptized a few books.) and starting a chapter in a Billy Graham book called, “Peace with God” the chapter being about loneliness I knew this was it, I read two pages and had to quit reading. I soaped up quick, hopped out and started writing. I heard a quote in a movie once, “Sometimes it’s better to be lonely by yourself than with someone else.” God puts loneliness in our hearts so we will seek Him. Blessed is the soul who takes advantage of this.

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