I’m mighty weak in body, soul and wit,
Sometimes I feel like I should just give up and quit.
Seems I lack the power that others have got,
I’ve got a little bit, but not a whole lot.
But God’s Word tells a different story,
When I am weak then He gets the glory.
Christ said, “My grace is sufficient for you,”
What I can never do, He will surely do.
His power’s made perfect when I am but so weak,
His power’s so sublime so it is His I seek.
With faith and prayer His power is mine,
So, I’ll rejoice in my weakness every single time.

The world sees weakness with scorn and shame,
It declares those weak, who claim God’s Name.
But in His Name is where we all belong,
Weak on our own, but in Him strong.
Strong enough to vanquish our fears,
Faith will dry up all our tears.
Christ said, “My grace is sufficient for you,”
What I can never do, He will surely do.
His power’s made perfect when I am but so weak,
His power’s so sublime so it is His I seek.
With faith and prayer His power is mine,
So, I’ll rejoice in my weakness every single time.

He is the Potter, we are the clay,
The best vessel made, when we obey.
Though clay is fragile and easily broken,
The whole world was formed by His Word that was spoken.

Where is your weakness, your Achilles heel?
Does it keep you down, or cause you to kneel?
In kneeling we find great strength from above,
Bought with Christ Blood, given in Love.
And though weak as a kitten and dumb as a clam,
Every soul can find power in God’s powerful plan.
Christ said, “My grace is sufficient for you,”
What I can never do, He will surely do.
His power’s made perfect when I am but so weak,
His power’s so sublime so it is His I seek.
With faith and prayer His power is mine,
So, I’ll rejoice in my weakness every single time.


But he said to me,
“My grace is sufficient for you,
for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

II Corinthians 12:9

A note about, “Strong”: What an encouraging word to know that we all can rejoice in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and difficulties. There is not a shortage of any of those in my life, how about you? That means we have plenty to be happy about! No sarcasm there, that’s God’s Word! (II Corinthians 8:10). As long as our power is sufficient, we will not rely on God. To rely on Him is to strengthen our bond with Him. The stronger our bond, the greater our joy. See Nehemiah 8:10 for a “victorious cycle.”

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