Slow down, be still, learn of your Creator,
Time flies by so quickly, there may not be a later.
Rushing here, rushing there, our lives a wisp of smoke,
Take the time and you will find the Words that Jesus spoke.
He said, “Many waters will never quench the Love He has for us,
Do not trust the world, but in Me put your trust.
Love your neighbor as you love you and Love God more than self,
These words of gold enrich your soul, there is no greater wealth.

Our lives sometimes seem consumed by the duties of the day,
But always we must take the time to feed our soul and pray.
Like children left neglected when God He is rejected,
We find the time has slipped away much sooner than expected.
He said, “Many waters will not quench the Love He has for us,
Do not trust the world, but in Me put your trust.
Love your neighbor as you love you and Love God more than self,
These words of gold enrich your soul, there is no greater wealth.

Satan keeps us occupied, distracts from God’s beauty,
Tells us we must hurry up; it is our righteous duty.
And millions run straight to hell when they could have walked with Christ,
They get there quite amazed, “What happened to my life?”

Like water in our hand we grasp, cannot hold sweet time,
Tomorrow reaches yesterday so quickly we do find.
So, take the time for what is good, today’s a precious jewel,
The soul who thinks he owns it, there is no bigger fool.
He said, “Many waters will not quench the Love He has for us,
Do not trust the world, but in Me put your trust.
Love your neighbor as you love you and Love God more than self,
These words of gold enrich your soul, there is no greater wealth.

There is no greater wealth
That you can give yourself
Take that dusty Bible off the shelf.


He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”

Psalms 46:10

Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away.
Song of Solomon 8:7

A note about “Speed Demon”: In the August 9, 2019 page in the “Our Daily Bread” devotional magazine, the verse from Song of Solomon 8:7 was highlighted. I’ve read this verse before, but sometimes the Holy Spirit will make us more aware of a given verse at a given time and this verse seemed to stand out at the moment. After I wrote this poem, I didn’t quite get the tie between the verse and the brevity of time and how we spend it. But I think I get it now. Time flows like a river and all the time we spend ignoring God does not extinguish His Love. We can’t change the past, it’s “water under the bridge,” but the present and our freedom of choice can make (through our lives) His eternal Lovelight burn higher in our home, in our neighborhood, in our world.
(Psalm 46:4)

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