The artist was imprisoned with a veil of wall and wire,
His child was his whole life, his greatest of desires.
Separated by walls and miles, it gave them both great grief,
There had to be a way for them, both to find relief.
So, the artist started drawing awesome pictures for this child,
They opened prison doors and closed the gap of miles.
And though they were not in any way looking face to face,
And even though they lacked the pleasure of each other’s embrace,
These pictures told a story that gave them stronger bond
Than families living in same house, who only wish for, and sorely long.
Every detailed stroke of his pen, by love it made its mark,
And love will illuminate the heart that absence would keep dark.
They both hold on to a hope of a life soon lived together,
But till then these grand pictures breach the wall that severs.
This story actually happened, it’s history and not fiction,
But it tells a deeper truth of God and human conviction.
Though we be His own children, by our free choice we chose sin,
And we made God our enemy, when even then He’d be our friend.
He’s created many pictures, the greatest Artist ever known,
The morning sky, birds that fly, by nature His Love is shown.
Family and friends, fathers and mothers, the joy these people bring,
The warmth of the sun, the beauty of snow, the wind when it does sing.
But the Masterpiece of the Artist to reveal His depth of Love,
Is the story of His Begotten Son, who came down from above.
He broke the walls of sin and vice that kept us far away
From a living relationship with God and turned our night to day.
A picture of great horror, so bad we turn our head,
But it was done for everyone, for you and me He bled.
So, look upon this picture that was painted with Blood and tears,
And may it give you greatest hope and calm your greatest fears.
So, we do all look forward, to that day when face to face,
The door will open, these chains fall off and the Artist we embrace.


For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons,
the present nor the future, nor any powers,
neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God
that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39

A note about “The Artist”: A true story about an inmate who was a single father who was wanting to express his love to his son, although the boy lived out of state and visits were at a minimum. God has put a veil between us and Him for the purpose of free will. Our sin turns the veil into a wall. But He has revealed His Love to us in the story, the life, the death of His Son. The Son has broken down the wall, torn the veil and tell me if you can; is there one more thing He could have done to express His Love more?

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