The fig bush is budding and summer is near,
The signs getting stronger and absolute clear.
Our eyes on the sky as we look up in hope,
We watch and we pray as our faith helps us cope.
I see clearly in my mind the coming of the King,
The peace He’ll bring to all the world makes my heart to sing.
Death where is thy sting, peace and joy He’ll bring.
Working, watching, waiting, looking for the Son,
He’s coming on clouds in glory when this age is done.
Will He find our faith expecting His return?
Is the treasure of His Kingdom our number one concern?
The time it quickly burns, till His grand return.

Work in the daytime, it will soon be the night,
The yoke that we bear is both joyful and light.
Working for Jesus, there’s no greater Boss,
The pay is eternal for the temporal loss.
But will He find us working when He does come?
Or eating and drinking with all worldly type fun.
For He will come at hour that we don’t know,
But Jesus He is coming cause He said so.

Working, watching, waiting, looking for the Son,
He’s coming on clouds in glory when this age is done.
Will He find our faith expecting His return?
Is the treasure of His Kingdom our number one concern?
The time it quickly burns, till His grand return.

Jesus we are waiting down on bended knee,
We know that your timing is perfect as can be.
We’ll stand firm till you get back,
Protect us from the devil’s attack,
And we’ll keep on working faithfully.


You also must be ready,
because the Son of Man will come at an hour
when you do not expect Him.

Luke 12:40

A note about “Working, Watching, Waiting”: They will say, “Where is this coming,He promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” (II Peter 3:4) They said that 2000 years ago and they’re still saying it now. We hear these skeptics and shake our heads, for we are waiting and anticipating in faith, but are we watching? According to Matthew 24:32-33 the sign tells us His arrival is getting closer. For one look at verse 14 in Matthew 24. A mighty big prediction from a homeless man with only a dozen dedicated followers. Are you working to save your brothers and sisters from the road of destruction they are traveling on? Ready or not, here He comes!

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