From the hands of Jesus, from His feet and from His side,
There is a Holy Fountain, a precious crimson tide.
It washes all my sins away, removes every trace of guilt,
My future and my present life, my all is on this built.
No good thing that I’ve ever done, or that I’ll ever do,
Can dare compare to what He’s done for me and also you.
Blood is life, He gave no less, no way could He give more,
It came straight from His heart, from His very core.
After oh so many blessings, He’s put into our hands,
He watched His Blood sink in the ground to save ungrateful man.
As it did drain while in great pain, He heard the taunts of men,
And every man who rejects His hand, He hears the taunts again.
His Blood came forth, by choice, not force, in Love He gave it up,
And just the same, free will remains, the way we take the cup.
The cup of the New Covenant, which cleanses all our sin,
And gives new birth unto our souls so we may start again.
It builds a bridge across the chasm between Holy God and man,
All efforts done by works of men will never close this span.
He’s done it all completely, there’s nothing we can add,
You cannot ever buy a gift; you take it and be glad.
So, do you hold His Blood as treasure, a great price for your sin?
Or do you pour it on the ground and our God do offend?
Careful how you handle it, you dare not raise God’s wrath,
But to claim His Name, yet in sin remain, you may tread hell’s broad path.
Some people say they love Him, but live like Satan’s tool,
But those who mock the Savior’s Blood, there is no bigger fool.
Wash your mind, wash your heart, His Blood can make you free,
And by His Blood we’re adopted sons, Blood brothers we shall be.
Thank you, precious Jesus; you gave your life to save mine,
What holds more worth than all the world, one drop of blood divine.


On that day a fountain will be opened
to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem,
to cleanse them from sin and impurity.

Zechariah 13:1

For you know that it was not with perishable things
such as silver or gold that you were redeemed
from the empty way of life handed down to you
from your ancestors,
but with the precious blood of Christ,
a lamb without blemish or defect.

I Peter 1:18-19

A note about “The Holy Fountain”: Not too often do I have to make a direct prayer over these poems. Most times God just gives them to me spontaneous. I might say a little prayer when I’m stumped for a rhyme, but this one was different. There is certainly no physical object more Holy or sacred and although we partake of it spiritually it is indeed a very real physical element. My prayer was that it would convey to believers the magnitude of the great price that was used to buy back our souls from Satan and to the unbelievers it would put up a roadblock on the path to hell and they could not simply side step it, but would have to climb over it with great effort.

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