One day when our earthly journey is finished at the door,
We will enter through its passage to something so much more.
No eyes have seen, no ear has heard, no mind can near conceive,
The splendor of God’s Kingdom which His children shall receive.
Do not cry for those who leave this place of grief and pain,
For they now see the face of Christ in the place where He does reign.
It’s transformation, it’s not death, the goal of our long quest,
It’s beauty unseen by mortal eye, by faith it is brought nigh.
To our hearts which will never die, we’ll see sweet Jesus,
On His Throne as He tells us
“Little child, welcome home!”
As He speaks the words with open arms we’re awestruck by His grace,
And sublime Love and brilliant light radiate from His sweet Face.
The pain and suffering that we knew are now a thing of past,
And we realize the full joy of Christ that forever it will last.
Jesus wept for Lazarus, cause He had to bring Him back,
Who would want their loved one to come back from where they’re at.
It’s transformation, it’s not death, the goal of our long quest,
It’s beauty unseen by mortal eye, by faith it is brought nigh.
To our hearts which will never die, we’ll see sweet Jesus,
On His Throne as He tells us
“Little child, welcome home!”
I myself look forward to the end of this rat race,
What an understatement to say they’re in a better place.
By democracy Satan rules the lower earthly realm,
But Jesus rules in heaven, His Hands upon the helm.
Another journey we begin with eternity our goal,
Never ending life of beauty for our never-ending souls.
It’s transformation, it’s not death, the goal of our long quest,
It’s beauty unseen by mortal eye, by faith it is brought nigh.
To our hearts which will never die, we’ll see sweet Jesus,
On His Throne as He tells us
“Little child, welcome home!”


And you will receive a rich welcome
into the eternal kingdom
of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

II Peter 1:11

Then the King will say to those on his right,
“Come, you who are blessed by my Father;
take your inheritance,
the kingdom prepared for you
since the creation of the world.”

Matthew 25:34

A note about “Welcome Home”: Though I’m not a preacher I got a call asking me to officiate a funeral for the mother of someone who used to be in our Bible Study group at jail, but had since moved to prison. I had done the same for his father a year earlier and their neighbor called me. I returned her call during my Sunday lunch break (in the jail parking lot) and after speaking with her about 15 minutes I hung up and started writing. Forty-five minutes later I was finished in time to go back in the jail. The next morning, I had the basic tune down in forty-five minutes also. A great deal of inspiration came from a book I was in the middle of reading by John Burke title, “Imagine Heaven,” based on Scripture and stories told by people who have had a near death experience. The best is yet to come!

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