All the things here on earth, everything we think we own,
Even things we had since birth comes from God by His on loan.
We can’t take money with us, or for that matter anything else,
Worldly things we cannot trust for death takes our worldly wealth.
But one thing God gives to all our ownership complete,
It causes many souls to fall but gives others salvation sweet.
This gift He gives to every soul, He gives in greatest Love,
And Love was His lofty goal as He looks down from above.
Free will is the only thing we ever truly own,
It is the way our hearts can bring our love up to God’s throne.
Puppets dancing for our master we can never be,
But we like sheep in unfenced pasture live our lives so free.
But often do we roam so far from the shepherd’s path,
And free will does surely mar and may invoke His wrath.
But without the glory of free choice real love we cannot give,
We cannot love God with our voice or in the way we live.
Jesus had a choice to make to save us by His grace,
He didn’t have to really take the spitting in His face.
He didn’t have to wear that crown of thorns upon His head,
He didn’t have to feel the nails that bound Him till He was dead.
But He choose to die for me and you and pay our price for sin,
This awful job He didn’t have to do we have no greater friend.
So, what will you do with this thing, the only thing you own,
Will you lay it down for Him and bring it to His throne.
We can choose the Kingdom of Christ or chose something quite else,
But when we chose to give God our life, there is no greater wealth.
Free choice is such a precious thing, don’t ever take it for granted,
Eternal life it will bring when in God’s Kingdom it is planted.
Now those who chose to keep this temporal life will see it slip away,
And those who chose to give it to God will live with Him some day.
The choice is on you, God will not force for that is not real love,
And what you choose to do will set your course for death or life above.


Now choose life
so that you and your children
may live and that you may love the Lord your God.
Listen to His voice and hold fast to Him.
For the Lord is your life.

Deuteronomy 30:19-20

A note about “The Only Thing We Truly Own”: Free choice. Of all the awesome things that God has created, humans are the only thing that has it. A privilege, responsibility, the difference between heaven and hell. Without free choice love could not be. I wonder if God has a choice? He always does what is perfect. That would seem to lack an option. Hmmm?

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