Time is swallowed by eternity, it’s temporal hands so short,
But what we do in times wee frame, to eternity will report.
Every aspect of the physical world is buried in the hourglass’ sand,
Rust and rot take their toll and a person’s wealth will change hands.
But Jesus holds the key to eternity’s wonderful door,
And behind there is hiding a forever wealth of more and more.
Imagine there such an awesome place, no corruption and no night,
Where God has broke the curse of death and He is the brightest Light.
No rushing and no deadlines, no racing of the clock,
The present is always at hand, the constraints of time unlocked.
But God has His own purpose in the dimension we call time,
Our days are golden coins we invest for His Kingdom to shine.
The things we do in love that’s true, rise up from the ash,
And ascend in thanks to heaven’s banks, a never-ending stash.
But he who is an investor in the passing things of earth,
Will soon find, in length of time, the true value of their worth.
What will rot will surely rot and rust it never sleeps,
What a fool who thinks the world and its contents are for keeps.
Diamonds and gold may just last a million years or more,
But to its owners, they’re simply loaners when passing through death’s door.
To give a child a cup of water, Christ gives reward you cannot lose,
The time for honoring Christ and others, now’s the time we choose.
So how do you spend your coins of time, for self, do you them save?
Will they be buried with you, in short time, in your lowly grave?
Do you give them to the Master, as angels accurately record?
They make no mistakes, and neither should you, regarding your reward.
All evil will soon go down the drain, but all love gives greater life,
And not the numbered life of this world, but the eternal life with Christ.
So, think hard on eternity and on a one-way dead-end street,
And what you give to others and Jesus on that day when you Him meet.
Do it now quickly, for here and now time’s the rule,
For the soul who trades eternity for a few days is just a fool.


He has made everything beautiful in its time.
He has also set eternity in the human heart;
yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Ecclesiastes 3:11

And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water
to one of these little ones who is my disciple,
truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.

Matthew 10:42

A note about, “Time and Eternity”: We often think of eternity being time without end, but I’m not sure that is accurate. For instance, God remembers the past like it was the present and the future the same. So, I would think God does not live, or maybe reign is the better word, in the dimension we call time. Time can be measured, eternity can’t. The Bible says in Revelation 21:14 that when we enter God’s eternal Kingdom there will be no more death, crying or pain, so it seems obvious that we can love and serve God here and now in a way, a special way that we won’t be able to then. We are sending Jesus building materials now for our eternal home. John 14:2. Jesus spoke often about rewards so I’m not sure everyone in heaven will have the same house. Am I speculating? Time will tell!

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