Silent jubilation, you know there’s no such thing,
The slave released from his chains, shouts for joy and sings.
What child of God keeps their joy only to themselves?
Like a dusty book on a high and lonely shelf.
If He’s not within your speech
Then He’s just beyond your reach.
Come closer, come closer, come closer,
And He will come to you, come closer, true love sings of the truth.

Jesus told two blind men sternly not to tell a soul,
But their mouth could not contain what their new eyes did behold.
Do you see in faith what God has for us in store?
Does your heart overflow with Love that He has poured?
If Him, you do not preach
Then He’s just beyond your reach.
Come closer, come closer, come closer,
And He will come to you, come closer, true love sings of the truth.

You say you believe in Heave’s riches and the agony of hell,
So, tell me why you do not cry for all those you should tell.
If your neighbor’s house is burning with the occupants inside,
How would you feel if they all perished, and you never even tried
To save them, to save them, to save them?

God’s children seem so lukewarm, neither hot, and neither cold,
Preoccupied with earthly things and chasing foolish gold.
But to know Him is to love Him, this is where we start,
And like the son of Jesse, we pursue the beauty of His Heart
If others you don’t teach,
Then He’s just beyond your reach.
Come closer, come closer, come closer,
And He will come to you, come closer, true love sings of the truth.


Come near to God and He will come near to you.
James 4:8

Whoever confesses Me before men,
him I will also confess before My Father.

Matthew 10:32

A note about “The Silent Majority”: Oh, how I pray that everybody that warms a pew might read this one. Jesus told parables, spoke at length and walked the walk of proclaiming God’s Kingdom. We as Christians are casual at best on sharing the Gospel. Very few seize every opportunity (Colossians 4:4-5) to proclaim it clearly. The story of the two blind men in Matthew 9 is one of my favorites. He told them sternly not to tell a soul. They couldn’t help themselves and told everybody. By eyes of faith, we see that we’ve been extracted from the very jaws of hell and are on the joyful road to heaven and not simply from the Master’s touch, but from His horrible suffering and pain doled out by religious leaders. He has commanded (not requested) us to take this message to the ends of the earth, but we can start with friends, neighbors and family. But you can’t give away what you don’t have. “Be all the more eager to make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things you will never fall and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. II Peter 1:10-11

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