Things we bind now, here on earth,
Have a stronger bond of greater worth.
Bound by the Power of heaven above,
Its strength is found in God’s great love.
Things we now loosen, all cords of sin,
Will free us now, will free us then.
God paid the Price with His own Son,
To break their hold, yes, every one.
And though it seems a job Divine
The Key to heaven God made it mine.
To open doors or shut them tight,
To own this charge, it doesn’t seem right.
But God has given His children this task,
This job at hand, we did not ask.
For we are Jesus’ hands and feet,
All of us together we’re made complete.
If we forgive, are sins forgiven?
If this is so, how are we living?
With petty faults, do we hold a grudge?
Infect our own souls like bitter sludge?
Do friends and kin remain bound by sin,
Cause we say we forgive, but it’s just pretend?
Bind your hearts to the living Christ,
And loose the things that damage your life.
For the sin you forgive may be your own,
We’ll see more clearly when at God’s throne.
What’s done today we soon will see,
Affects us all for eternity.


I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven;
whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven,
and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

Matthew 16:19

If you forgive anyone’s sins,
their sins are forgiven;
if you do not forgive them,
they are not forgiven.

John 20:23

A note about “Ties That Bind, Cords to Unwind”: I never quite understood Matthew 16:19 (also Matthew 18:19), but a couple days after reading it in my daily reading (It must have latched onto my subconscious) I was upset by something someone close to me had done to me and the verse came to mind. When we gripe (even to ourselves) about someone God surely hears it. So, it is a prayer though be it unintentional. Do we really want to tie a burden of guilt on someone we love, with perhaps eternal consequences over something petty? In light of eternity most of the world’s activities are petty. May we hold on to what is good and avoid the bad. I Thessalonian 5:21-22.

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