Some animals were gathered in a stable A.D. one,
Gazing in wide wonder at a baby called, God’s Son.
They’d heard a band of angels singing, bringing news of this wee boy,
They gave great praise to God and to men of peace and joy.
But the question did arise, could this truly be God in flesh?
Could this little, tiny baby be the One this world to bless?
The horse said, “I don’t think that’s God. He has a tiny face,
If He were God, then tell me why He’d be born in this place.”
The sheep said, “I don’t think He’s God, His crying sounds so weak,
If He were God, we would hear wisdom when He speaks.”
But a wise old owl reminded them of a precious unseen part,
This tiny babe did indeed possess God’s Loving Heart.
Loving Heart, Awesome Heart, this little child did possess,
And all mankind He’d one day bless, with His Loving Heart.

The animals then all agreed that God could come as man,
Animals are prone to trust; they need not understand.
But humans are a different critter, on reason they rely,
What they can’t see and feel, they are quick to deny.
But faith can do what reason can’t, it reaches the eternal.
And God can grow within our heart from faith’s tiny kernel.
Loving Heart, Awesome Heart, this little child did possess,
And all mankind He’d one day bless, with His Loving Heart.

A stable is much like a human heart and mind,
The filthy and unholy in them you will find.
But this is where He enters the world and to our life,
He came to bear our burden and share our awful strife.

You all may see His Loving Heart everywhere you look,
A baby’s eye, a gold sunrise and in His Holy Book.
But has He been welcome into your heart just like a stable,
He knocks before He enters, He’s willing and He’s able.
And He will enter in and give you wealth you cannot measure,
This Loving beautiful Heart, it’s by far the greatest treasure.
Loving Heart, Awesome Heart, this little child did possess,
And all mankind He’d one day bless, with His Loving Heart.


And she gave birth to her firstborn, a son.
She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger,
because there was no guest room available for them.

Luke 2:7

A note about “The Stable Boy”: I think God descended down to earth via a stable for a reason. It’s probably the closest physical thing to a human heart there is. I’m sure our hearts have a foul odor to God’s Holiness. Jesus might have looked like us, sounded like us and even smelled like us but, He had His Father’s heart, unlike us. He was placed in a manger for a reason too. Read John 6:53-58.

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