The silent voice of God speaks from a billion stars,
It reaches to my deepest soul, though He speaks from so afar.
A diamond is brought forth from the heart of darkest earth,
But shines like celestial beacon, when light reveals its worth.
The flowers of the field all turn their heads as one,
Their gaze is undivided as they follow rising sun.
The rivers flow across the land, from mountains to the seas,
Then form the clouds high in the sky that float upon the breeze.
The earth revolves around the sun with timing that’s perfection,
Through billions of miles and thousands of years it does not need correction.
The tiny spider just overnight takes a single silken strand,
And builds a dew-covered crystal palace that rivals the feats of man.
The whole earth sheds it leafy skin with red and yellow hues,
And brings it back with gorgeous green, when springtime it renews.
Though silent, this voice, it sends a message of our Creator’s praise,
A joyous chorus of nature’s glory together they all raise.
The name of Him who holds all things within a nail pierced hand,
No accident this piercing for it was His Holy plan.
Before the sun, the moon and stars, before the waters and the earth,
From heaven God would descend down and have a human’s birth.
The voice this time was human, yet also was Divine,
His words did not condemn nor judge but were loving and were kind.
They echo through the ages though spoke in days of past,
They’re just like new and still ring true, forever they will last.
Words of Christ, words of life, I hide them in my heart,
But not for long, for they belong as greatest light for blackest dark.
So, do you listen with your eyes and ears to God’s most Holy voice?
Whether we choose to listen or choose to ignore, it is our total choice.
So, heed the Master when He calls and please do not delay,
The beauty of His varied voice should move us all to pray.
I listened in the earthquake, the fire and the wind,
And though not there, I heard a whisper, it was my Saviour, God and Friend.


Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart
and shattered the rocks before the LORD,
but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake,
but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake came a fire,
but the LORD was not in the fire.
And after the fire came a gentle whisper.

I King 19:11-12

A note about “The Variant Voice of God”: This was written within a six-hour period while I was in a car with three rowdy, fighting, loud kids. Though our trip started out with them sleeping, it soon escalated to a full frontal, flanking and rear assault on my last nerve, which proves without a doubt two important and amazing facts. One, the still small voice of God can be heard through the noisiest din; and two, His Spirit must truly be the writer of these poetic notions while I am simply a scribe.

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