
Golden skies, remind my eyes, of God’s great city that awaits,
And when I find, it’s come my time, I will not hesitate
To enter in, all cleaned of sin, by the precious blood of Christ,
For in great pain, for us did gain, a grand eternal life.
And not just life, of toil and strife, that we know here on this earth,
But life supreme, above our dreams, our hope since our rebirth.
We will be healed and God revealed, we shall see His face
As we come home, no more to roam, to this majestic place.
The sound of singing, in my ears ringing, emits from joyful throng,
Their voices raise, triumphant praise, to Whom they sing their song.
Beheld unto me, I saw a crystal sea, before the Master’s throne,
Can you conceive, that you’ll receive, a new name on white stone?
A name not from, our parent’s one, but from the Lord of all,
And with this name, that bears no shame, we answer when He calls.
As we have trod, upon earth’s sod, our glory waits above,
Our hope is firm, by what we learn, of Jesus and His Love.
But others choose, their life to lose, by heeding Satan’s voice,
But don’t pay him mind, for you will find, that we all do have a choice.
So please choose well, forsake his hell, and come to Christ the King,
And friends and kin, now slaves to sin, He’d bid you also bring.
This life on earth, from since our birth, may last 100 years,
But beyond the door, of death is more, in your mind make that clear.
So when you view, the sunburst new, upon the eastern sky,
Think of then, the glory when, we leave this world and fly.
For God He gives, to all who live, a free will of their own,
A lake of fire, or your heart’s desire, which one will you call home?


The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it,
for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.
Revelation 21:23

A note about “Sonburst”: A golden sunrise I saw one morning on the way to work made me imagine someone had left the pearly gates open. What a glorious sight to behold, and what a hope within my soul!

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