Slave to Fashion

Sackcloth and ashes my fashion of choice,
I wear for the souls who hear not God’s voice.
“With dust on my head and tears in my eye,
Salvation is now, but justice draws nigh.”
With Love and great Mercy, He calls out to them.
Why don’t they listen and reach out to Him?
My heart bears a burden, my prayers don’t cease.
I cry out to heaven while down on my knees,
Open their eyes, Lord, and please let them see.
Open their hearts, Father, that is my plea.
I wish I could wake them and show them the Way,
For night it comes quickly and swallows the day.
A horror awaits those who spurn such great Love,
And all for rejecting God’s great gift from above.
Salvation from God in Jesus believe,
Turn from all evil and mercy receive.
Don’t put it off, please don’t delay,
Tomorrow’s not sure, today is the day.
Good deeds will not save us, a fact that is true,
We won’t go to heaven by things that we do.
Now Jesus has paid the price of our sin,
Though guiltless He died our sin was on Him.
Heaven’s ticket is bought; the price has been paid,
By our own Creator by whom we are made.
God’s Son came in flesh and died for us all,
In sackcloth and ashes I pray as He calls.


Put on sackcloth, my people and roll in ashes;
mourn with bitter wailing as for an only son,
for suddenly the destroyer will come upon us.
Jeremiah 6:26

A note about “Slave to Fashion”: The ancient Israelite attire for repentance, we should all keep such in our closets for ourselves, for others, for our nation.

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