
The wise men came from many a mile to see the infant king,
With gifts of gold, spice and myrrh and worship they did bring.
John and Jim they followed Him, left net and boat and dad,
They gave their all when He did call and doing so were glad.
A little boy with a little dish,
five wee loaves and two small fish.
He put them in the Master’s care,
a small and paltry gift to share,
And then the Master broke them up and passed the pieces round.
To all those hungry people who were sitting on the ground.
He fed five thousand souls that day, a miracle indeed,
No one in hunger went away for He had met their need.
Suppose the boy had kept his food, he owned it fair and square,
It all was his, and no one else, he did not have to share.
Christ could have turned the stones to bread,
The grass they shared to cabbage heads.
But God has called us all to share,
Love from above incites to care.
What we hoard will rot and mold,
What we give Him eternity holds.
God has promised treasure in heaven to those who serve His Son,
But shouldn’t we give in humble thanks for what He’s already done?
My God, my Jesus, withhold my reward, I’m already over blessed.
If I’ve got anything coming please give it to the distressed.
When we give to our lowliest brothers, we give to Him on high.
Just what will we have to place at His feet on the day we die?
If you love Him, feed His sheep,
What’s already His, don’t try to keep.
He wants gifts from hearts so pure,
Powered by the Love, that’s sure.
We are His own and claimed with a seal,
The Seal of His Spirit, so Holy, so real.
As you have received so you must give,
Don’t hold back for in Him we live.
He gave us His all and did not withhold,
And all that we give Him, He turns to gold.
The cross He bore, for me, for you,
Now what will you bring Him, what will you do?


Freely you have received, freely give.
Matthew 10:8

A note about “Alchemy”: Our best deeds wouldn’t amount to much in the overall scheme of things than a cup of water could change the level of the ocean; but when put in the Master’s hands and done for His glory, He can make gold from anything.

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