Blessed Insomnia

As I lie on my bed with so much joy I can’t sleep,
As I think of our God by whose grace my soul keeps.
Nobody knows the trouble I’ve been,
Only God knows the extent of my sin.
I ignored Him outright for years upon years,
I did things my way, no matter who it cost tears.
I live my life like it held little worth,
My selfishness and pleasure on agenda was first.
Sworn to fun, loyal to none,
As I had a wild time, this time while I run.
Nothing could stop this train without brakes,
And a train wreck was coming from all my mistakes.
But God held back His judgment and wrath,
And touched me with Love, as He gave me a bath.
He cleansed me with blood, the blood of His Lamb,
And made this sinner holy, that’s who I now am.
Not by my goodness, I’ve none on my own,
For my heart was evil and subject to roam.
Not by my power, for my weakness is sin,
Though I’ve tried to improve, I’d go back again.
Not by my mind, I thought I was smarter than God,
Oh thank you my Savior for sparing your rod.
Not by my friends, they’re in the same boat with me,
And that boat will not float on the wild stormy sea.
Not by my word, that was lie after lie,
Now I speak of God’s goodness and wonder just why
His Son had to die for the likes of a man,
Who had no regard for God’s ways and contempt for His plan.
There’re so many others, not near bad as I was,
I can’t understand why He’d give me such Love.
His Love came from heaven by His Son, full of grace.
Now I live for the day when I’ll see His sweet face.
And I hope I have something to lay at His feet,
As I embrace His scarred feet and tears of joy weep.
Now I lay on my bed with all this in my head,
And I shall not want sleep, but I’ll praise God instead.


On my bed I remember you;
I think of you through the watches of the night.
Psalm 63:6

A note about “Blessed Insomnia”: Written the same night I gave my testimony (short version) at revival service on 10/28/13. In the middle of the night, I could not sleep, thinking about what I had shared pertaining to God’s grace in my life. The more I thought about it the more I remembered.

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