
A young child one day came to me with a question big as they come,
“I know that God made everything, but where did He come from?
You can’t get something for nothing; it’s what’s been always told,
And I am sure that He must be, very, very old.
But everything must begin somewhere back in time,
And I can’t seem to get this question, answered in my mind.”
Now taken aback, by this fact, I scratched my head in thought,
I had no answer right at hand, for this question that she brought.
We should check the Bible, it was written by God Himself,
And I moved quick as lightning, as I fetched it from the shelf.
The first page of this Holy Book, and the first four words it said,
“In the beginning God,” it hit me like a ton of lead.
God was before the beginning, before the dawn of time,
And if all substance should disappear, He is all that you will find.
He holds all things together with His wisdom and His might,
His handiwork the sun and moon, He bathes the world in light.
He did not come to be, for He was, He is and will be:
Father, Son and Holy Ghost, He’s One in form of three.
If God needed a beginning, He would not be God at all,
If He came from something else, then that would make Him small.
But He’s beyond the universe, a thousand light years young,
And a billion years before the earth the angels of Him sung.
Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God Almighty is,
Who was, and is, and is to come, and all there be is His.
There is no start, no kindled spark, for the Ancient of all days,
And how can one understand all this, whose frame is made of clay?
Our minds can only reach so far, fenced according to our faith,
And faith and trust will surely bust the mirrors of this place.
We look inside our finite minds, to try and grasp what is eternal,
Our life of present in this short time is simply just a kernel.
A seed beneath the surface, it lives its life in dark,
But soon it breaks forth from the soil and light starts as a spark.
So now likewise in darkness, our minds can’t comprehend,
But we shall know, as we are known, on that you can depend.
So do not fret or worry on what knowledge is not now known,
But make your passion to live your life on what our God has shown.
And one day He may show us His glory without veil,
So trust Him just for who He is and you will never fail.


Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face.
Now I know in part; then I shall know fully even as I am fully known.
1 Corinthians 13:12

A note about “Enigma”: Several of the kids in Sunday School came at me with the question, “Where did God come from?” I started writing, knowing I could not answer, but the words “I don’t know” wasn’t a suitable answer. So I started writing not knowing where it might go, but once again, God finished what I started by giving the only answer our limited minds can receive.

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