Suitable for Framing

Sunrise Colors





Bless me in the morning with your hand painted sky,
A lift for my soul, a feast for my eye.
A token of your Love, a whisper of your grace,
A glimpse into heaven of your glory just a trace.
Clouds bathed in color with brushstrokes like a feather,
It changes every minute, but in my mind its forever.
No human artist could ever come close to such a view,
Shape shifting palaces with a thousand different hues.
His mighty canvas stretches from east unto the west,
While the paint pot of the sun begins its daily quest.
This grand event is ushered in on silent wings of wonder,
But it moves my soul no less in might than the loudest crash of thunder.
How can a mortal man, who’s made of flesh and bone,
Miss the Master’s hand in this, their heart must be of stone.
For if you saw a painting within a gilded frame,
You’d look down in the corner to seek the painter’s name.
You know it didn’t happen by coincidence or chance,
The colors didn’t choose themselves and on their own did dance.
A hand it wields a brush held by woman or a man,
It was not thrown together, it was a well-thought-out plan.
Talent was a part of this and practice also was,
And for this craft the painter has a great abiding love.
No masterpiece was ever made to make one look away,
It was created to please the eye and have something to say.
It tells a story of the scene and reveals the artist’s soul,
It’s more than paint and canvas, the revealing is his goal.
So what do you see in sunrise free about our God above?
Can it be His power, glory or the joy of His great Love?
Or is your gaze fixed upon the world that will soon pass?
And all that’s in it will soon be gone and surely will not last.
Lift your eyes up to the sky for a taste of God’s own heart,
For He shall bless your soul like mine, when dawning day does start.
Every sunrise calls to mind the day that we’ll begin
Our life with Christ in His great city that never ever ends.
For God has painted a picture deep in my mind I see,
The sun is done and He will light the city where we’ll be.


The sun will no more be your light by day,
nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you,
for the LORD will be your everlasting light,
and your God will be your glory.
Isaiah 60:19

A note about “Suitable for Framing”: Inspired by a breathtaking sunrise on the way to work. How can anyone take in such a view and not believe there is a God and that He Loves us very much? What kind of person can look at something so magnificent and declare there is no God? A child will post his artwork on the refrigerator wanting to give something special to those they love. A child’s love is similar to God’s Love: pure, seeking nothing for the giver, forgiving, and full of mercy and grace. The frame in the title is your heart and your mind, and may the picture remind you of the artist.

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