Contrary to Ordinary

Where are you at, my precious Lord, where are you at today?
I cannot feel your presence like I did just yesterday.
I feel so cold and lonesome like you’ve left me all alone,
When I can’t feel you near me, I can’t get in my zone.
I got down on my knees and prayed with all my humble heart,
But I didn’t feel a glow; there was not the slightest spark.
Where is that joyous feeling of your Love I know so well?
Why do you feel so distant, why is that, oh pray tell?
I went to God’s own Holy word an answer I did seek,
And from my precious Bible I heard sweet Jesus speak.
The Author and perfecter of this gift from God, real faith,
Who felt the thorns, whose flesh was torn from standing in our place.
“God, why have you forsaken me?” He said in greatest pain.
Why was He nailed up naked in humility and shame?
Faith does not depend on what we see or hear, or what we touch.
What we taste and smell or feel inside, it doesn’t count for much.
If we could count on senses then faith would cease to be,
And we wouldn’t trust in God, but would trust in what we see.
But looks can be deceiving and feelings even more,
And he who trusts his feelings will wind up surely poor.
Now Abe he loved his son and his love for him was deep,
But he banished all his feelings and trusted God his son to keep.
Now faith is not of this world please learn that from the start,
And keep the wisdom of the world at bay and Jesus in your heart.
For His ways are much higher than the ways of mortal men,
And sometimes in life’s storms we cannot comprehend.
So let Him steer your course and let Him take the wheel,
For He is always there with Love, no matter what we feel.


Now faith is confidence in what we hope for
and assurance about what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

A note about “Contrary to Ordinary”: One of the devil’s most successful ploys is to confuse faith with feelings, “If we don’t feel something then where is our faith,” claims the father of all lies. We must remember faith may sometimes stir feelings, but feelings have no more to do with faith than our good works getting us to heaven.

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