Investment Securities

A man can no more catch the wind and hold it in his hand,
Than take the things of worldly wealth and make eternal plans.
Like sand inside an hourglass, possessions slip away,
They serve no purpose, no not one upon our dying day.
It’s often said that money can’t be taken when we go,
But rich men often horde their stash as if they didn’t know.
Jesus said to store true treasures in heaven’s lofty heights,
And make your hay while it is day for soon will come the night.
How shall we make deposits in God’s celestial vault
Where interest is eternal and it never will default?
What we do for others, who hurt and have great needs,
And when we get down on our knees and with our prayers plead.
The angels write in ledgers, their records tally true,
No deposit made will ever fade what for Jesus we shall do.
A simple cup of water for a humble little child,
If given in the name of Christ, it will surely make God smile.
For Jesus said He does reward for such a petty gift,
And His rewards eternal, how could one dare resist?
But Satan has a different plan, to entice men with fool’s gold,
And try to give them worldly charms in exchange for their own soul.
What he offers it fades so fast and vanishes like smoke,
His evil heart is hidden behind a bright and shiny cloak.
So don’t be fooled by his tools, he’ll only bring you down,
When everything he promised you is broken on the ground.
Declares our Christ he who loses his life for Him will surely find it,
And all the things we give to Him, He rewards a hundred times it.
Foolish soul’s death grip hold on what they cannot keep,
For someone else will take their wealth when they drift off to sleep.
So bank with our great Savior, His interest never ends,
And may your prayers and investments to heaven’s throne ascend.


What good is it for someone to gain the whole world,
yet forfeit their soul?
Mark 8:36

Jim ElliotA note about “Investment Securities”: In the wonderful words of Jim Elliot (missionary to Ecuador, martyr for Jesus) “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.”

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