No Pain, No Gain

I prayed unto God to make me lean, make me buff,
I prayed and I prayed, but it wasn’t enough.
I prayed unto God to make my brain very smart,
That didn’t work either, but it was a good start.
I prayed unto God to increase my faith,
But I didn’t feel much, maybe a trace.
Now I thought that prayer could fix anything,
That’s why all my problems unto God I do bring.
But if I want some water, water to drink,
I don’t need to pray, I go to the sink.
Sometimes our prayers need hands and need feet,
And what’s beyond us, we’ll trust God to meet.
If we want a buff bod, we head to the gym,
And eat food that’s right, to make us real slim.
If we want to be smart, we must hit the books,
And study them hard, not just page-flipping looks.
If we want stronger faith, then work is a must,
For service and obedience will build up our trust.
To train mind and body is no overnight quest,
And to further our progress, we often must test
Our limits and push beyond what is norm.
And faith is the same; it’s grown in life storms.
When a small task is done, it opens the door
For God to bless us with a much grander chore.
And when He asks for our heart to gladly obey,
The smallest commands will grow every day.
Now do all with humility and steer clear of pride;
Don’t forget who you are and for you Jesus died.
And faith it gives birth to the works of our hands,
And a job that’s well done grows faith in a man.
Nothing is easy and its reward it is nil.
To find true success, we must live in God’s will.
And faith it will grow as we work and obey,
And look ahead to meet Jesus on that glorious day.


The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”
Luke 17:5

A note about “No Pain, No Gain”: I pray for stronger faith, but after reading Luke 17:5-10, I believe our faith grows stronger just like our physical muscles, exercise!

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