Message From Above

He paints for me a picture, He whispers in my ear,
Although you may not understand, to me it’s more than clear.
The Light that shines from heaven, this light shines down on earth,
Reveals the things of God and to wisdom it gives birth.
Every flower and every tree sings the miracle of life,
It comes forth by the will of God and power of the Christ.
The sky reveals His glory with His brushstrokes in the clouds,
The lightning, but a sparkle to who resides behind a shroud.
The veil that stands between God and man is made of our own pride,
And though we cannot see Him, we think that we can hide.
Every soul it has a conscience that differs wrong from right,
You may pretend you do not know, but your heart is in God’s sight.
The Bible is the Word of God and every word is true,
But often men try in vain to test it and disprove.
Your own body is a work of art, grows by the sculptor’s hand,
We did not come from nothing, but from a well-thought plan.
God speaks to me a thousand times each and every day,
He even reminds me of His Love, whenever I do pray.
You may think Him silent or think of Him as not,
But I do know He’s in my heart and in my daily thoughts.
He speaks to me in calm; He speaks to me in storm.
He tells me that He Loves me in variety of form.
He speaks sometimes in whisper, so listen very close,
And when our lives are quietest is when we hear the most.
I feel His presence best when gladly I obey
Whatever that He asks of me, whatever He does say.
So seek Him in the morning and seek Him every night,
For those who seek Him with all their heart, He is their true delight.
Don’t stumble in the darkness, and open up your ears,
Receive the message of His Love with glad and joyful tears.
For He is ever faithful to tell us of His plan,
And one day He will show us the nail prints on His hands.
The nails they drove the point on home, the greatness of His Love,
To me, to you, to all the world sweet message from above!


Why do you complain to Him that He answers none of man’s words?
For God does speak – now one way, now another – though man may not perceive it.
Job 33:14

A note about “Message from Above”: Funny how a hard heart can affect a person’s senses. Though God speaks His Love to me in so many different ways, for so many years I was blind, deaf, and dumb, very dumb.

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