The Master (of disguise)

For God so loved the human race,
He donned a mask, a bearded face.
Flesh and blood, skin and bone,
He walked among us, far from His home.
No sin, no vice, did He partake,
He bled, He died, for all our sake.
We did wrong, with justice due,
He paid the debt for me, for you.
How can the One who made all there is,
Suffer so much to call us His?
What a concept, what a plan,
The God of all, servant of man.
It makes me bow my head in shame,
To think my sins have caused His pain.
Thank you Jesus, my Lord, my God,
Whose glory was cast off and humility shod.
No greater Love shall we behold,
No grander story will ever be told.
It’s hard to conceive, but I know it’s true,
Because my life has changed through and through.
Idle pleasures once had its hold,
What I thought treasures kept my soul.
No matter whom it caused grief and sorrow,
I lived my life like no tomorrow.
Then Grace came down from Heaven above,
And ransomed me with utmost Love.
God as man, who can conceive,
Only those whose faith believes.
Jesus, sweet Jesus, my heart’s delight,
I was blind in darkness, you gave me sight.
And what a sight in faith I see,
God’s own Son bruised for me.


For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form.
Colossians 2:9

A note about “The Master (of disguise)”: This poem is one of my favorites. Our entire faith hinges on the fact that Jesus was God’s Son revealed in the flesh. There is no way possible He could Love mankind or me personally any more than what he has done. Too much for our minds to conceive, but fits into our hearts like water in a jar.

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