Memory Lapse

Hello, Lord, it’s me, your old friend,
Forgive me if I perchance offend.
I’m not perfect and this is so true,
But I don’t do what some of the others do.
My sins are small, petty at most,
I’m humble too, for I do not boast.
Now other folks they’re not so good,
They don’t do what they know they should.
They don’t repent or love you at all,
They should know pride comes fore the fall!
They treat you bad and treat me worse,
From start to finish, their life’s a curse.
Wait! What is that sound so sweet in my ear,
It’s the voice of my Jesus, soft and yet clear.
“You, dear child of mine, saved by my grace,
Was it not you who spit in my face?
Who pulled out my beard and whipped my flesh torn,
Who hit me and slapped me and crowned me with thorns.
Who hammered the nails deep into my hands
And into my feet, I’m sure you’re the man.
You hung me up naked, the greatest of shame.
You cast lots for my clothes, as I watched you, in pain.”
“No Lord,” I exclaimed, “you’ve got me all wrong,
I wasn’t there, I was where I belong.”
“I died for sinners,” He said in Great Love,
“I came down to earth from heaven above.
Now he who’s committed the smallest of sin,
Is guilty of all, and for all I was pinned
To the tree of great suffering and finally death,
Where I forgave all in my dying breath.
So if someone has wronged you in whatever way,
Remember my Love on that terrible day.
Every hand that sins had a hand in my death,
So forgive as I did to enter my rest.”


For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.
James 2:10

Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Luke 23:34

A note about “Memory Lapse”:
Sometimes I start writing with a certain thought in mind and things end up in a surprising place. “Memory Lapse” I started writing about someone who knew he wasn’t perfect but felt he was better than most. When it came to the part when Jesus had His say, what came out totally astounded me. I know that sounds strange but it’s true and I’ll never forget it. I was working in a very peaceful cemetery.

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