The Bible is the Seed of God

The Bible is the seed of God,
Sown in men’s hearts, not in sod.
It tells of how we’re born again,
How we are saved and cleansed from sin.
Our faith it grows like crops in field,
With hand of God, He has great yield.
With Love He cultivates our soul,
His harvest worth more than mere gold.
Our Jesus is the Sower divine,
No greater Farmer in all of time.
God’s Spirit waters, His Son gives light,
He rescues us from Satan’s blight.
The tares and wheat now grow together,
But not for long, no not forever.
For He will gather on that great day,
Trust Christ’s salvation and to Him pray.
The Word, The Seed, plant in your heart,
And God will finish, all God does start.

Chase Horsley

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