Making a Prophet

I ran into an old friend just the other day,
And was pleasantly surprised by what she had to say.
She said, “You look like a prophet, with beard and slick bald head,”
While some might be offended, I relished this instead.
The Bible says that prophecy is the second greatest gift,
For me to be within this crowd, it gave my soul a lift.
But I know not the future and I can only guess,
And God has not chosen me with this gift to bless.
But as I began to ponder this gift beyond world wealth,
My eye began to wander to a Book on yonder shelf.
A Book of greatest wisdom and prophecies proved true,
Though many thousand years in age, it’s relevance still new.
So many times throughout this Book, predictions they were made,
And many they have come to pass, an astonishing parade.
A continuing strand of God’s great plan, revealed in sacred pages,
Of coming King whom angels sing, whose reign outlasts the ages.
With shadowy reference and clearest, brightest view,
His foretold arrival was proved precisely true.
God’s own servant, the Anointed Holy One,
No less, oh yes, than His only begotten Son.
Who would have thought He’d be beaten and broken?
But of this event these exact words were spoken.
Who cannot see this, who’d overlook,
this amazing prediction within this great Book?
His torture and death told in greatest of detail,
from the mocking and spitting, to being pierced and impaled.
These predictions came true, but there’s more on the way,
Though He’s ascended on high, He’ll be back one fine day,
To reign as a King, who rules in justice and Love,
And the way of this world will be like the way of above.
But trouble is due before this day of great joy,
And this is not new for the words were employed.
From the King’s very own lips a prophet indeed,
But don’t take my word for you also can read
This book of great wonder that tells what will come,
Its predictions more sure than the rise of the sun.
So read it and heed it, if the future you’d know,
And a prophet you’ll be and don’t forget, I told you so!


Declare what is to be, present it—let them take counsel together. Who foretold this long ago, who declared it from the distant past? Was it not I, the Lord? And there is no God apart from me, a righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.
Isaiah 45:21-22

A note about “Making a Prophet”: Attending a funeral for one of my former customers who had treated me as an old friend during construction of his home, his wife and daughter (neither of whom I had seen in the past year) commented on my appearance. I had never grown a beard before and I seldom remove my hat. Telling me I looked like a prophet was quite refreshingly better than the look I often read on people’s faces who don’t know me: “Who is this hobo?” Although I know I don’t have the gift to foretell the future, our destiny after our life on earth is spelled out very clearly according to our own choices we make. Also the very future of this planet is well defined. All of this information is within reach of literate people everywhere – God’s Love letter to man: the Bible! May it make you a prophet also. This one also was written at the Bounce House in the middle of five hundred screaming kids.

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