A Letter from God?

This email was sent as an invitation to attend a meeting at Joel’s home. Although the meeting has come and gone, the content of the email may be of interest to readers.

If you received in the mail a letter from God, would you read it? If it had a return address labeled “heaven” you would probably be a bit skeptical to say the least. But, let’s suppose all joking aside, you were convinced beyond the shadow of a doubt that this was truly from the same Supreme Being that made you, and also gives power to the earth to revolve around the sun with timing that would rival a Rolex. Would you read it?

I doubt that most people if convinced of the Source would throw it in the trash unopened like junk mail. Some might be very slow opening it fearing bad news. I would think most normal people would feel they owe God an apology over something. But, I can’t imagine anyone knowing that if God wrote them a personal letter they would not take the time to read it.

Is the Bible God’s letter to mankind and also to the individual? I believe that it is. Can I convince someone else of this? Not a chance. Only God can reveal His truth to whomever He chooses. But, what I do have is quite a convincing number of facts that do verify that this collection of literature we call the Bible, though put on paper by men, was indeed inspired by the Author of all life.

If you think I’m wrong, then come and state your case. If you agree with me, then come and back me up. But if you’re not sure then maybe you ought to check out the facts. Is your Bible sitting somewhere collecting dust? That would be like having gold lying around in piles while you are starving to death……If I’m right! Am I? Come decide for yourself.

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