The Great Tribulation

This email was sent as an invitation to attend a meeting at Joel’s home. Although the meeting has come and gone, the content of the email may be of interest to readers.

What a perfect time for this subject. Before the January meeting will have made its long awaited appearance, the Mayan calendar ends with some people assuming this will be the end of the world. According to Jesus and other prophets we have other things yet to happen before this world’s demise is complete. But one of two things will most definitely happen on that day. It could be the start of the apocalypse, proving that Jews aren’t the only ones given God’s gift of being able to see the future. Or nothing at all will happen making everyone that much more complacent about the huge trouble that I believe is very soon to overtake us. Jesus said, “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so when you see these things happening you know that the Kingdom of God is near.” Luke 21:29-31

Jesus has told of a day when He will rule the world (God’s Kingdom on earth) but a time of trouble will precede this. There are so many signs in this world that point to this great and terrible storm on our horizon. It seems at times that those who do not fear God are more aware of this coming catastrophe than God’s own children are. Have you seen the show, “Doomsday Preppers”?

Do we not worry about it because of the long held evangelical view that we will be raptured before this great tribulation? I personally don’t think that Christians will be taken out of this world before this time of great trouble. I believe some of us will be taken out of this world before we die, but I believe it will happen towards the end of the storm. Are we of the mindset, “well it’s in God’s hands, and we must just sit here and wait patiently till it gets here?”

We trust God every time we get in a car and go down the road but the wise ones fasten their seat belts. What should we do? Jesus said to watch and pray, but do we do anything beyond that? If you are convinced that you will be raptured before this event but are convinced it is approaching, should we not be praying harder and harder for those we believe might be left behind.

If nothing else I believe this deserves discussion. What do you think? Do we stick our heads in the sand? I would think it would be difficult to pray that way, but impossible to watch. Bring your thoughts and ideas to our meeting. If something happens that day, you’ll be at the safest house in the area.

The coming storm is one reason I built our concrete dome, but I learned that when the tornado tore up the town of Joplin, Missouri, people were sucked out of their basements and killed. There is no safe place on this earth other than under the cross of Christ. “Rock of ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.”

When I was building my house, I was reading my Bible one day and came across the verse, “He who fears the Lord has a secure fortress, and for his children it will be a refuge”. (Proverbs 14:26). It immediately crossed my mind that I should have someone embroider that verse and have it framed and hung on the wall. Months later after my father passed away, my mother gave me some of his books and things. That very verse was on a glossy colored print with a decorative font in large letters suitable for framing in the collection of his stuff. What a wonderful gift and impeccable timing from one who taught me to fear God.

The situation in the Middle East seems to keep getting worse every day. Keep your eye on Israel.

He replied, “When evening comes, you say, ‘It will be fair weather, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but you cannot interpret the signs of the times.”
Matthew 16:2-3

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