God’s Judgment on America?

This email was sent as an invitation to attend a meeting at Joel’s home. Although the meeting has come and gone, the content of the email may be of interest to readers.

Billy Graham once said, “If God does not punish America for its great evil, He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.” This republic was founded by those seeking religious freedom, and is very much akin to ancient Israel as being a nation blessed by God according to our reverent acknowledgement of Him. Look how great we have become in a mere 400 years. Now pull a coin out of your pocket and read what it says, “In God we trust.” Where that may have one day been true, today it doesn’t hold much more worth than a dollar.

I used to think this country was invincible (and I used to believe in the tooth fairy). This nation’s wickedness has piled as high as the national debt and I have no doubt that both contribute to our current tailspin.

Does America have a place in Bible prophecy? I had been thinking the fall of America would be part of the great worldwide tribulation described by both the book of Revelation and Jesus. Now I wonder if it will come as a warning to the rest of the world preceding the “main event.”

This will be the focus of our next Bible/Life study. If you think you have relevant information feel free to bring it. These meetings are all about dialogue. If you want to know about the (near future, in my opinion) days ahead for this country simply bring your curiosity. I do not claim to be a prophet, but the prophecy already seems to be written in God’s book. May God have mercy on us all.

If my people, who are called by my name,
will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways,
then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14

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