Words Are Not Enough

Love has hands and feet you know, not just a thought or feeling,
And when we get up off our chair, its beauty is revealing.
“I love you” is a lovely phrase; it makes the listener smile,
But its meaning is personified when we walk the extra mile.
Talk is cheap, you know that’s true, but better said than not,
But love’s best learned by action, the only way it’s taught.
A letter written, a visit made, a helping hand extended,
The poor made welcome in your home, their dignity defended.
The greatest Love I’ve ever known, my Teacher was the best,
And when His Love was tried by fire, the Teacher passed the test.
He taught by His example and His words they were divine;
He talked the talk and walked the walk, no greater Love you’ll find.
It’s easy to love someone who loves you also too,
But He taught me to love others, no matter what they do.
Wicked men they tortured Him, His ravaged body bled,
His beaten back, pierced hands and feet, and thorns that cut His head.
But never did He curse them, or hate them in His heart,
But prayed for their forgiveness, His Love He did impart.
His Father does the same as Him each and every day,
He Loves each soul who walks the earth, though all, they go astray.
I testify unto this truth, my life is living proof,
In spite of sin He took me in and my joy is through the roof.
So many years ignoring Him, though He blessed my every breath,
And I did wrong so very long, what I deserved was death.
But even though I grieved Him and cause Him so much pain,
He blessed me in a million ways and Loved me just the same.
Now I must pay it forward, His Love it overflows,
When it fills you to your core, it’s the greatest thing one knows.
Christ’s hands and feet, He used for Love, to buy all sinners back,
And so we must employ our own to follow in His tracks.
Words are sweet, words are kind, but words are not enough,
The kind of Love that spills its blood is the Love I trust.
I know that God, He Loves me, for the Bible tells me so.
But the grace that He has given me is also how I know.
So I must give as I receive, it’s all upon the wheel,
More than words, His life and death, confirm His Love is real.
Now do not say you love someone and sit there in your chair,
To walk the path of Jesus is to really show you care.


I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
John 13:15

We love because he first loved us.
1 John 4:19

A note about “Words Are Not Enough”: Churches in my area were opening their doors to the homeless during a colder than normal winter. Volunteers were needed and when I asked the kids in Sunday School they all jumped on board. The first night we were scheduled to help, snow started hitting the road the same time we did. We dropped food off and headed home. The next time I had four very enthusiastic girls all fired up to sling some grub. I like to give the kids a hands-on learning experience every chance I can. I started writing this poem as soon as they headed to the kitchen.

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