Reach for the Sky

iStock_000016304930SmallA tiny little acorn may become a mighty tree,
But without light and water this seed will cease to be.
The soil is rich and old as the earth,
With water from heaven, the seed gives birth.
To a plant with tender arms, that reach up for the light,
It looks unto the sky each day, ever gaining height.
Its roots grow deep, there’s power in the fertile sod,
The power it’s been given, is by the hand of God.
He also does give life in the rays of warming sun,
Every plant in the world is raised by this only one.
The more it grows in height and width,
the greater is its thirst,
And with rain, dew, and snow like a babe it is nursed.
Now Jesus compared His Kingdom
to the likes of a growing tree,
He also said His Kingdom, was in you and in me.
Though the tiniest of seeds it becomes remarkable in size,
A roost for the birds who sing their song as it spreads up to the skies.
How do we grow this tree, that our Lord and Savior spoke?
Do we plant our feet in the ground and drink water like an oak?
Our God is a Spirit and His Kingdom’s much the same.
And it grows just like a wildfire when in our hearts He reigns.
The Bible is His Word and older than the earth,
And when we burrow in it, He gives our spirits their rebirth.
Prayer is a window, a window for our soul,
And when we raise the curtains, light shines in the darkest hole.
You may think that prayer, is what you send above,
But it’s really like a greenhouse, that floods your spirit with God’s Love.
A life of obedience is like a soaking rain,
For every time we sin, we cause sweet Jesus pain.
As our roots go down deep in the power of His Word,
And our prayers reach heaven and by our God are heard.
The water of true love, the only law we know,
Will raise up a mighty Kingdom and in us it will grow.
And yet this mighty Kingdom is grown by way of faith,
One day faith gives way to sight and we shall see His face.
And our trees will become a forest, spread before His throne,
But here and now’s the time when mighty oaks are grown.
For tiny little saplings, they do not bear life seed,
So pray for growth unto Him, who meets our every need.


Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows,
it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree,
so that the birds come and perch in its branches.
Matthew 13:32

The tree grew large and strong and its top touched the sky;
it was visible to the ends of the earth.
Daniel 4:11

“The coming of the kingdom of God is not something that can be observed,
nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’
because the kingdom of God is within you.”
Luke 17:20

A note about “Reach for the Sky”: In the middle of a series of lessons the kids are learning about prayer I’ve come to realize something that maybe I was vaguely aware before, but now (for me) I understand much better. God’s Love is like the sun, it illuminates and warms the entire earth and prayer is raising the blinds in our darkened souls. We often think of it as outgoing from us to God, but I think we receive much more than we give, and I’m not talking about requests being granted, He knows what is best for us much more than our own feeble agendas.

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