Wheel of Life

Wheel of life turns round and round,
What we lay down comes back around.
Life of love or life of hate,
We make our beds, so don’t blame fate.
A man will gather what he sows,
If you plant hate, then hate will grow.
But love’s a garden of eternal worth,
It multiplies in joyous birth.
God has put on the wheel of life,
His only Son, our precious Christ.
Even His wheel turns round and round,
It rolled His body into the ground.
But Satan would Christ’s body break,
Yet the wheel rolled on and He could not take
The life of Him whose wheel was Love,
That rolled on earth from up above.
This wheel of Love, we hope and pray,
Will come full circle, one happy day.
When faith will give way unto sight,
And break of dawn dispels the night.
What’s on your wheel, is it good or bad,
When it rolls round, will you be sad?
Or are good deeds upon your wheel,
As it rolls, the truth it will reveal?
An evil life appears so fine,
But as it rolls it’ll cease to shine.
Wheel of life or wheel of death,
It rolls and rolls with every breath.
You cannot stop it for it’s in God’s hands,
But how it turns is on every man.
If God’s the axle and our spokes aren’t sin,
Then Love and joy will become our rim.
And life eternal will soon be found,
When our wheel full circle comes around.


Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked.
A man reaps what he sows.
Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction;
whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.
Galatians 6:7-8

A note about “Wheel of Life”: While talking with one of the girls in my Sunday School class the subject came up about another girl who is sometimes her friend and other times seems to take pleasure in tormenting her. Trying to soothe her hurt feelings, I explained that those who go around intentionally hurting others are to be pitied, for the damage they intend to inflict on others inevitably ends up on their own head. Whether we do good or bad, what comes around goes around. This is just as certain as the law of gravity.

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