The Promise of Spring

Sweet equinox, the world tilts in our favor,
The earth warms to perfection, and all life it does savor.
Both flower and beast emerge into light
From its sodden dark dungeon and its winter respite.
Month after month the great forest lies bare,
The cold reaches my bones and my mind does despair.
Then life bursts out in beauty as its colors unfold,
The chains of death are now broken, the sun vanquishes cold.
Earth’s resurrection it’s the glory of spring,
When flowers do dance and birds they do sing.
The promise of new life, each year comes around,
As warm replaces cold and green comes from brown.
For thousands of years the earth foretold of Christ,
His death, resurrection and His power of life.
For death has its season over earth and o’er man
But God has His reason as He reveals His great plan.
A plan of redemption, for man broke the bond,
Between him and his Creator at the break of man’s dawn.
And time will not heal the damage of sin,
But through the great Love of God, our rebirth begins.
Our Jesus was first as He rose from the grave,
He came down from heaven a lost world to save.
As we tilt our worlds to the glorious Son,
Our souls are reborn and death’s power is done.
Though our flesh will return one day to the sod,
What we truly are will live with the true God.
Now the promise of spring is hope for our souls,
It foretells our future as our own stone will roll.
And the grave will not hold us as it could not hold Christ,
As we trust only in Him, He gives all of us life.
A cold frozen winter reminds us of death,
But the arrival of spring revives the earth with new breath.
A prophecy of Jesus and a prophecy for us,
That God can restore when in God we do trust.


See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling: my beautiful one, come with me.
Song of Solomon 2:11-13

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel 36:26

A note about “The Promise of Spring”: The older I get, the more uncomfortable I find cold weather. When I was 18 I took a motorcycle ride to Florida on Christmas Eve. The temp was 24 degrees. Now it has to be at least 50 degrees and I’m not going too far at that. Even though my comfort zone changes more every year, it only makes springtime that much sweeter. The same can be said for both my spirit and body. Me feeble faith allows anger, frustration and worry not to reign in my life, but to cause me grief because I know it is not pleasing to my heavenly Father. My body sure ain’t what it used to be. But as God resurrects the earth every year I hold to His promise of a new heart, which has already begun and a new body which will come according to His timing and His timing is always perfect.

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