Plagues from Past, Plagues to Come

Plagues from past, plagues to come
Coming fast, no place to run.
Angel of death please pass over me.
He’s coming back around brother, can’t you see?

Old Moses found a burning bush upon the desert sand,
It held the voice of God Himself as He spoke unto this man.
We also have a burning bush; it’s called God’s Holy Book,
Not burnt out by the fires of time, He speaks when we do look.
The Pharaoh thought God’s chosen ones were his and his alone,
We also stand deluded when we push God from His throne.
“Let my people go,” Moses said with weak and feeble lips.
And when we flaunt our power, God’s power is eclipsed.

Plagues from past, plagues to come
Coming fast, no place to run.
Angel of death please pass over me.
He’s coming back around sister, can’t you see?

The plagues they came one by one and caused great misery:
Blood and frogs, gnats and flies so thick you couldn’t see.
The cattle died and grown men cried from boils upon their skin,
The hail fell down upon the ground and a swarm came with the wind.
Now darkness swallowed up all light, but Phay’s heart was hard as stone.
But when dark angel took their sons, God message was drove home.
God chose a lamb for sacrifice to keep His children safe.
An innocent harmless lamb was His people’s saving grace.

Plagues from past, plagues to come
Coming fast, no place to run.
Angel of death please pass over me.
He’s coming back around people, can’t you see?

Now troubles come into our lives so we will look above.
The Lamb redeems us from death’s grip; He was given in great Love.
Put His blood upon your doorpost at the entrance to your heart,
And death will pass you over and eternity will start.
But all who serve a lesser god will drink the cup of wrath,
And plagues will surely torture them as they did in days of past.
Blood for water, hail and darkness are said to lay ahead,
And when the locust descends on men they’ll wish that they were dead.

Plagues from past, plagues to come,
Coming fast, run to the Son.
Angel of Death will pass over me,
When I hear the trumpet sound, I will be free.


I will send the full force of my plagues against you…so you may know that there is no one like me in all the earth. For by now I could have stretched out my hand and struck you and your people with a plague that would have wiped you off the earth. But I have raised you up for this very purpose, that I might show you my power and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.
Exodus 9:14-16

The rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues
still did not repent of the work of their hands;
Revelation 9:20

A note about “Plagues From Past, Plagues to Come”: A lesson I’ve wanted to present to the kids for a while. Though it seemed at first complicated and hard to understand as far as how it relates to our lives, God has revealed some amazing revelations to me while studying and thinking on this. I used to think that Pharaoh was representing Satan, but now I’m inclined to believe he represents that part in each and every one of us that desires to sit on the throne of our life instead of God who should be in full control. The whole story of the Passover which is still, after all these years, a special yearly event for Jewish people, is a prophesy of Jesus, the Lamb of God, people’s (from that time till now) spiritual condition and the end of the age where at least half of these plagues described in the Book of Exodus are written in the Book of Revelation and are to happen on a worldwide scale during the great tribulation with some slight (?) variations. The locusts aren’t crop eaters but will have a sting like a scorpion 9:5-6, only three frogs this time 16:13, these hailstones will be one hundred pounds each 16:21; also the sea and rivers turned to blood, painful sores and darkness. (all found in Chapter 16)

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