A Mother’s Love (a gift from above)

God’s Holy seed rendered forth His perfect only Son,
No help from men, whose birthright’s sin, no not a single one.
But honored sublime through ages of time and time that’s yet to be,
He shared this glory, such a beautiful story with none less than a she.
A woman’s womb, the first earthly room, of His Majesty the King.
And Mary found favor from God the Savior and His praises she did sing.
For a mother’s love, a gift from above, it pleased our God to give.
To Mary mild to raise His child and with her He would live.
Who’d of thought the Savior sought would come from virgin girl,
This lowly birth that Satan cursed would one day rule the world.
A mortal fem was chose by Him to bring hope to all mankind,
She raised her Son to be the One that all men hope to find.
But why would God mix with sod His own most Holy Seed?
Could it be, He knew that He would one day have to bleed?
Born of woman, in form of man, His Son was born to die,
And for the sins of mortal men, it is the reason why.
So God thought much of a woman’s touch to raise His only child,
And from the start she treasured in her heart her body’s fruit yet undefiled.
A mother’s love is stronger and longer than mortal life itself,
Unto the soul worth more than gold it is the greatest wealth.
Though beyond compare it can be shared by siblings many or few,
For there’s no such thing as too much, for her children she will do.
A higher goal no female soul can ever hope in this life to attain,
Than to be a mother of another, what she gives will be her gain.
So if God saw fit to let a woman sit in such an honorable place of duty,
Than a mother complete, raising children sweet is the epitome of beauty.
Whether by our side or in our hearts their love is wide as it imparts,
A lasting hope which helps us cope when bad times come and trouble starts.
“I’ll always love you whatever you do,” a mother’s promise to her baby,
God says the same, to all with His name, “I Love you, no ifs, no maybes.”

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed you.” He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”
Luke 11:27-27

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”
Proverbs 31:29

Nora EmersonA note about “A Mother’s Love”: This one is dedicated to Mary (mother of Jesus), my own mother, my children’s mother, my grandchildren’s mothers and anybody who ever had a mother. Think that covers everybody? Not quite! Especially Him who has no mother but Loves us all more than any mother has ever loved their children! Isaiah 49:15

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