Imagine That

If I were King, King of the world, I think I’d hide my crown
To see if love, real true love, could actually be found.
If all power and wealth was mine alone, I’d never be quite sure
If people loved me for all this, or if their hearts were pure.
I’d take a job to mix right in with all the working folks;
I’d dress just like old John Doe; I’d wear no royal cloak.
I might live homeless on the street, no place to lay my head;
A bird has nest and a fox a hole, but I would have no bed.
I’d know then who was my friend, who’d not pretend to care,
An open hand, a gift in love, from those who dare to share.
Though money rules, I’d use this tool to heal the lame, the ill,
The blind would see, the deaf would hear,
the hungry would get their fill.
I’d love the little children; I love them oh so much,
I’d hold them in my arms, and bless them with my touch.
I’d tell the world of God’s sweet love, by example I would lead.
For my subjects I’d do it all, I’d sweat, I’d cry, I’d bleed.
A noble cause that I dream, I wish that it were true,
Perhaps someone of noble birth would do what I would do.
To save the world from its woe, its trouble, and its sin.
And make a place where war is done,
and peace, and love don’t end.
Lord God, please send a righteous King, a King of Royal Birth,
To make the ways of heaven the ways of planet earth.
Disguise Him as a pauper for worldly wealth does spoil.
You’ll find out who truly loves and whom for you will toil.
The world would gladly welcome Him with ticker tape parade.
Till jealous power-hungry men put Him in the grave.
Now people say, “I’m crazy to dream of such a king.”
But if He ever came to earth, the angels they would sing.
“Peace on earth, good will towards men,” surely they would say.
The birth of Him would be so great, just like Christmas day!


For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom,
and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength.
1 Corinthians 1:25

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,
and the government will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 9:6

A note about “Imagine That”: This was written while working just before Christmas. God, more often than not, sends His message of Love in an unthreatening manner. True love cannot be brought out with fear tactics. Love begets love, which sure was the case for me.

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